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Tελευταία Ενημερωση/Last Update: Tuesday, 04/05/2004

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Τeac Esoteric P70/D70










Well... The problem with P70/D70 is not  to putting it in your system replacing the reference digital source (at this specific time a Sony SACD  player XA9000ES). The real problem is to put it out of the system when the test session is over. As to the statistics, this set caused the most considerable change I've ever listened to a system (replacing one part only) with the exception of modifications in the room acoustics! But let's see the things in their typical order: the reference system, beyond XA9000ES unit, was including Melos Linear and Rotel RHC-10 preamplifiers, Parasound HCA-3500 power amplifier and Audio Spectrum's Eros system with subwoofer. For comparison reasons (and some..reviewr's sadism!) along with P70 I also used the Parasound D/AC-1500 (with coaxial connection, something like...putting bicycle's tyres in a Ferrari, but didn't we had to listen the transport performing "all alone"?) As far as the Teac's system is concerned we used it at first with just a "simple" connection through coaxial cable which allowed us to reach 88.2kHz and after few hours of listening, we have proceeded to the best choice available which was the AES3 pair in combination with the word clock line. The impact of the 70/D70 have been overwhelming. Briefly, the system's analysis ability has been launched to almost unbelievable levels, the spectral balance reached the logic of a well structured studio control room and the image became so clear that it was difficult for someone to believe that the source was nothing more than a simple cd player. Without the slightest exaggeration, the P70/D70 extract from the cd details which couldn't be heard and they are in a position to create an ambience where there was not one. One of the most interesting parts of living with them was the discovery of how excellent low frequencies can exist on a disk but "buried" from other high class cd players.  Beyond Mirrors (Yello/Pocket Universe) a song worthy of Dieter Meyer's peculiarity, filled up the room with its unbelievalbe volume, the bass in Runes (Keith Jarret/Arbour Zena) was described like never did before and the volume of the orchestra in "Heroes Symphony" of Philip Glass caused shivering with it's impressive presence. "Presence" is maybe the keyword here: The P70/D70 are absolutely and above all capable to create "presence": the feeling that you are not listening to the disk but you are in the disk, has been very easily approached through high resolution format and through the multichannel systems, but it was difficult to be created by a simple cd. But finally, it  was possible, like this cd player proves (which can not read not even CD-RW, but only CD-Rs of good quality, like it is mentioned in the user's manual). And what a presence: Crystal, absolute detail with unbelievable focus and air on the stage and all these with no exaggeration in high frequencies. It has been written before but it is necessary to be mentioned: The upsampling (and the high resolution formats which extends above 20kHz) sounds at first rather weak. You think that something is missing until some time to pass and to realize that not only nothing is missing (or maybe there is something missing: distortion!) but you can listen to so hight levels that you really do not believe it (exactly like the loudspeakers' voice coils don't believe it too, but this is another story...). Listening the "Ex Avaton" (Ioannis Papadakis) from the "Ex Avaton" album, a track with a considerable content in high frequencies, we realized that the Esoteric was so easy and clear to listen to, that not only a flatout listening was possible (with the attenuators in D70 and to the passive preamplifier at 0dB) but something more: desirable. This simple observation is enough for someone to understand the sensation that this equipment can create.  In theory, of course, you are experiencing some difficult moments. Indeed there was not  even a single disk that we didn't enjoyed it (or not to get ungry with it: some of them are pathetic as to technical view and this revelation is maybe one of the disadvantages of P70/D70) but how close to the real fidelity a procedure like the upsampling lyes? After having listened to it for many hours and after having experimented with the combinations FIR/RDOT that D70 offers, I decided to compromise as to the answer: given the fact that we don't have to cope with a simple procedure in frequency domain (i.e. with something that simply enhances bass or make beautiful the high frequenices) but with something more complicated and to which psychoacoustics coexist, it is not a mistake to be content with what we like (or even with what it fills us with enthusiasm). And it is pretty clear that we don't have to cope with rhe well known highend marketing hype: the detail as to low frequencies is combined with absolute control, excellent body,perfectly clear. The midrange is all clear. Time characteristics of the top high frequencies (from percussion, let's say) amazing. The disk sounds better than ever. What else one can ask for?

I don't know what words I must use so that I won't be heard like that queen who, suggesting pancakes instead of bread for the hungry people had the widely known but not pleasant at all ending...,  but if,  I just say if, you have somewhere hidden fifteen thousand euros and you are a disk collector (which means you have some thousand of cds) you must have these units. To be honest, whoever speaks about digital audio should have a listening experience with the P70/D70, to just understand the limits set by the Red Book and which are finally much higher than what we thought all these years. When the high end digital audio manufacturers put their selves together after this unbeliavable Teac's knowhow demonstration, they must start seriously worry: Somewhere I've heard that a SACD edition will appear..










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